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Gov. Newsom Signs Bill Limiting Police Use Of Deadly Force
California Governor Signs 'Deadly Force' Law to Limit Police Shootings
Gov. Gavin Newsom signs law to limit shootings by police
Gavin Newsom signs bill changing police use-of-force standards in California: Daily Blend
Raw Video: Newsom Signs Bill Changing Police Use Of Force Standards
Gov. Gavin Newsom signs law changing standards for police use-of-force
California governor signs bill tightening use-of-force standards for police
Governor Newsom Signs Use Of Force Bill
Police Use Of Force Bill Heading To Governor Newsom's Desk
Gov. Gavin Newsom expected to sign AB392, California's use-of-force bill
New California Law: Police Can Now Only Use Deadly Force When 'Necessary'
Governor Gavin Newsom on California's police use-of-force bill